5 main reasons for divorce — opinion of science and statistics
The most common factors that can speed up a divorce.
1. Your girlfriend had fewer than three partners
Scientists from the University of Utah have found that girls who had less than three partners before the wedding get divorced much more often than more experienced peers.
Apparently, this is due to the fact that a woman who has gone through more relationships understands better which man suits her for the role of husband.
And less experienced people often rely only on falling in love, which is not always durable.
2. Someone from your environment is getting divorced
According to research by scientists at the University of Washington, couples whose friends are in a state of divorce themselves begin to think about divorce.
Divorce no longer seems to be something taboo and forbidden, especially if divorced friends got out of it alive. In addition, the courage of friends who decided to take such a step inspires you to think about whether you are so happy in your marriage.
3. One of you honestly confessed to cheating
On the one hand, honesty is great. On the other hand, she can destroy even the strongest marriage. Especially if this is honesty not of the order of "Honey, I ate your diet chocolate bars, not a cat," but of the size of "Honey, I accidentally cheated on you on a business trip, now I'm ashamed and uncomfortable, and I want to repent."
Even if your wife generously forgives you (which happens, of course, infrequently), infidelity will hang over the bright beach of your marriage for a long time, about fifty years, like a gloomy cloud. Yes, we are proud of our metaphors!
4. Routine and planned housework
Norwegian scientists have come to curious conclusions: it turns out that clear and strict rules in the family are a popular cause of divorce. This includes the cleaning schedule, watering the cat, mending flowers and so on in the same spirit.
A strict schedule deprives relationships of freshness, and people feel like they are in a second job, where they need to stick to a plan. So be creative! Switch responsibilities! Let her cook dinner tonight, and you can play with the cat.
5. Mismatch of work schedules
Scientists of the Department of Sociology at Harvard University do not waste time. For example, they recently studied relationships in more than six thousand couples, the age of partners in which ranged from 18 to 55 years. It turned out that if the partners do not have the same work schedule, then their relationship is more tense.
This is due to the fact that there is very little time left for communication and joint activities. The closer your work schedules are, the more likely you are to have a happy family life.